What I'm Working on for NaNoWriMo - The Wandering

  Hello gang! It's nearly that time of year again, the month where writers the world over start to slowly lose their minds madly trying to meet a ferocious daily word count and write a novel in 30 days. I will not technically be part of that lovely event this year (because life is crazy and I have a hard enough time getting things done as is) but I am planning to make a goal for the writing month of November. And seeing as you've stumbled into my little corner of the blogosphere, you are going to have to hear about it today.* Huzzah!

*unless of course you click away, but that would make me quite sad

  So for NaNoWriMo this year I am aiming to finish Part One of The Wandering, the sequel to my first fantasy novel, The Awakening, and second in a large series. How large you might ask? Something like ten-ish books. Possibly more. Fantasy worlds are hard to control, okay. Oh, and I also just realized while writing this blog post that I've been working (on and off) with this series for nearly a decade. A FREAKING DECADE. Guys, that makes me feel super old and it's not okay.

  I'm using Cait and Sky's Beautiful Books linkup for this post and I highly recommend you swing on over and check out the list of other upcoming NaNo novels and maybe even add your own?

What inspired the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?

  Well, as aforementioned I've had this idea for almost a decade now so that pins me down at about 11 years of age when the beginnings of this world began to leap into my psyche. Granted, they were a LOT different back then, practically unrecognizable aside from a few names, but the roots of my fantasy world of Bayalaa were born in my backyard playing imaginary games with my friends that included a lot of drama and death. I was homeschooled.

  I've been seriously working on these books since 2013-ish when I was about 15/16. I finished the first one The Awakening, in June of 2015 (my very first finished novel *squeal*) and started the next soon after though I have been working on various other projects since that time and haven't gotten past the first seventeen chapters. 

Describe what your novel is about!

  Hoo boy, this is the question of the day. It is an epic series spanning multiple generations, continents, cultures, etc. Basically a summary of my existence as an overachiever. But it is my baby and I adore it. Overall it's the story of three family dynasties warring over one kingdom while ignoring the real problems bleeding into their countries day by day. My synopsis' aren't any less vague but they are a bit prettier...

  The Awakening: In the fractured nation of Bayalaa, a tentative alliance is being formed between the houses of Lord Tulon Rogoth and the king, Sahl Reddarke. Tensions arise when history, prophecy and politics collide, leading to civil war in a country already balancing on the brink of destruction.

  The Wandering: The North and South of Bayalaa has exploded into an all out war, battling for justice and for control of a country surrounded by enemies and in the shadow of death. While two kings contend for the Bayalaan throne, another power is rising in the Far South, determined to take Bayalaa back as his own. But oblivious to them all, there is a Darkness settling over the bloodied land…

  Also, I'm a weirdo and started writing in the midst of the series, which breaks down like so below...

SERIES TITLE: The Bayalaa Saga
SERIES ONE: The Growing Darkness
SERIES ONE, BOOK 1, 2 and 3: The Whisper, The Uprising, The Enemy
SERIES TWO: The War of the Three Crowns
SERIES TWO, BOOK 1, 2, 3 and 4: The Awakening, The Wandering (YOU ARE HERE), The Revenge, The Promise
SERIES THREE: The Last Shadow
SERIES THREE, BOOK 1, 2, and 3: The Light, The Battle, The Fulfillment

  Yes, I understand that was probably supremely confusing. I also understand I will be writing these books in my grave but this story is basically my guilty pleasure and I don't even care if it sees the light of day or not I just love it to bits.

What is your book’s aesthetic? Use words or photos or whatever you like!

  My Pinterest has an entire messy board dedicated to this but it's hard to have a specific aesthetic for an entire world so I apologize for all the different, clashing things going on here.

Introduce us to each of your characters!

  HA HA. Well, I could keep you guys here literally forever (there are like, 500 characters in these books, no joke) talking about each of my characters but I'm a good person sorta and I'll only bother you with the main three that feature in this particular book.

  Falaroy Rogoth: Is I guess the *true* MC of this portion of the series.* He's an idealist and heir to the northern lordship of Bayalaa with a crippling fear of public speaking, failure, and hurting the people he loves. Also a bit of an arrogant jerk on the side, but kinda lovable anyway. At least for me. Mainly trying to do the right thing and avenge his family even though life is kinda getting in the way.
  Ragon Velantys: Dragon prince and drama queen with no time for your sass. Wants "what's rightfully his" and does shady things to get it. Like murder.
  Jonathan Reddarke: Sweet, bastard-born cinnamon roll whose king-father is a psycho and whose step-family is jealous, murderous and even more psycho but he tries to do what's right and love them despite how awful they all are and he doesn't deserve any of the crappiness he gets.

*but do you truly have just one MC when there's 500 characters? nah bro.

How do you prepare to write? (Outline, research, stocking up on chocolate, howling, etc.?)

  With this book whenever I'm working on it I try to finish one chapter a week (cause they are long and complicated normally) and do so by working a little bit first thing every day. There is also a LOT of outline. Probably more outline then you've ever seen in your life for anything ever. My computer will crash soon for all the outlining documents I have.

What are you most looking forward to about this novel?

  Honestly, I love that things just get worse and worse for literally everyone in this book because I'm a sadist at heart and writing without angst for me is like drinking lukewarm water - just not satisfying. People die, wars happen, relationships are broken, new characters come into play, darkness intensifies and everything just gets more awful. It's great fun.

List 3 things about your novel’s setting.

  Well, my novel has a wide array of settings and narrowing it down to three things is kinda difficult to say the least. But here it goes...

  1. It is a medieval fantasy setting.
  2. The world (Eoar) is divided into four different continental groups: Wyleria (the West), Sudar (the South), Evardi (the East) and Nitariath (the North).
  3. There are multiple cultures and races, but predominantly humans run the show.

What’s your character’s goal and who (or what) stands in the way?

  Basically the three warring dynasties all want the same thing (kingship of one particular country) and they all are standing in each other's way so that's a little awkward.

How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?

  Since this is mid-series, all of them are kinda more messed up than before? I dunno, the character arc's aren't exactly "arc-ing" at this point in the game. More like careening violently down a steep slope into pain, death, angst and trauma. I think though, on a more serious note, that each of them come to the end of the book with eyes a little more opened than before.

What are your book’s themes? How do you want readers to feel when the story is over?

  My book has a ton of different themes, but it's overall a story about good vs. evil and navigating the murky gray area inbetween all of that. It's about families going through some really intense stuff, friendships being strained and strengthened, trust and betrayal, honor, decency, the meaning of leadership, the trials of life, the hardships of wearing the crown, and stepping up to forgive those who have wronged you. I'm aiming for a story that will inspire some of what books like Lord of the Rings and Narnia do in people, the nobility and the hope that good fantasy series inflame in their audiences.

  And there you have it, guys - what I'm working on for NaNo this year. Along with my rewrites of Faithless of course because that needs to be ready for betas by December. But before you scatter off and click away from this lengthy post, I've got a cool announcement to promote for next week on the blog. It's my Indie Artists Week feature and I've got a really cool lineup of independent artists of all sorts of mediums (including writers) that I'm super keen to introduce and showcase. Take the button and spread the word and be sure to visit the blog on October 27th!

  What are you working on for NaNo this year? I'm always kinda embarrassed when I share about this series, what did you think? What's the longest you've ever worked on a story or series? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. OHMYWORD CAN I LIKE ALPHA OR BETA ALL TEN BOOKS??? Like it sounds EPIC!!! I need more of your books so HURRY UP AND WRITE.

    Otherwise I cannot wait for the 27th and btw we have successfully arrived on the west coast! :)


    1. OH YES PLEASE. My husband and one of my close friends are the only ones who have made it all the way through the 70+ chapters I have in total, so that'd be awesome if ever these stories get even a little cleaned up. :P
      Ah, I am trying to hurry so bad! *cries*

      Me neither! Awesome! How do you like it so far? I really enjoy it when I get to visit - it's so pretty (and so much warmer).

    2. Well be sure to yell at me a few months in advance before you send it over so I can keep my schedule clear!!!!

      Oh we are living in a very nice area and I love the mountains and the sight of the city below and the gorgeous parks and the town center -- all these little stores and strip malls and bustle!!

      Can't wait till you come visit then xD

    3. Haha, sounds like a plan!

      That sounds awesome. I can recommend a great summer camp out that way if you're ever interested. XD

  2. I'm waaay too much of a pantser to even begin to wrap my mind around a TEN. BOOK. SERIES. Like how do you even do that xD

    Characters: "careening violently down a steep slope into pain, death, angst and trauma"
    Plot: "things just get worse and worse for literally everyone in this book"


    Jem Jones

    1. Honestly, I don't even know. Something is clearly wrong with me. I just really like world-building and well, when you've been doing it for a decade... *jk i probably just need a life*



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