How to Quickly and Completely Organize Your Month

  We're most of the way though February already, and maybe you're already feeling a little frazzled and overwhelmed by life (raises hand). Maybe you're trying to figure out the best way to get yourself on track for a new month, but you're struggling to find the best solution? Or maybe you don't feel like you have time to straighten things out - but you really, really need to? Well friends, today I thought I'd share my solution to this problem on the blog: How to Quickly and Completely Organize Your Month!

  I touched on this method in my recent post on planning your new year, but today we're going to take a look at the month version. This is something I've employed for years to help me remember what I want and need to do throughout the month, and I think it will really help you too!


  First off, I like to reference the goals and lists I made at the beginning of the year, regarding how I've planned the year on the whole, and broken certain things down into monthly steps. This is especially important for big and ongoing work/projects like my writing. Pull out your Year Goals lists, your calendar with your event/work/activity plans, and ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I need to do to stay on track in these areas this month?
  • What kind of time do I have to invest in these things?
  • Where am I able to fit ___ into my schedule?
  • What are the big events I have in this month?
  Answer these honestly to give yourself a good idea of what to expect in your month, and to see what you need to get done and want to get done.

  From there we....


  I know I talked about this a lot in my previous post, but dividing up my life into these various compartments or areas is incredibly helpful for focusing and organizing my tasks. Figure out what these compartments are for your life (HINT: if you planned your year this way, it will help you out!) and make a list! Mine is as follows:


  This looks different for everybody, but we all have multiple facets and compartments in our lives, the trick is discerning what yours are.


  Now my favorite part, once you've got your compartments divided up, your calendar open in front of you, and your yearly goals in mind, you can write up your monthly list of to-dos in each area and voila! Your month is organized! Now you just get to look forward to actually doing the task and getting to check it off (dopamine rush anyone??) Here's my finished product for the month of February...



  And there it is! My quick and easy guide to organizing your month! What are some of your tricks to staying organized throughout the year? Are you currently beset by February blues and need a boost to keep you going (cause same)? Let me know in the comments!
OH. And don't forget - Faithless is LIVE on Goodreads! And if you wanted to go an add it to your shelves, it would mean so much to me! :DD


  1. OHH! I like!!!!
    I am the worst organized human I know........haha

    1. My husband is the worst organized human I know and I don't understand how he functions at all! XD

  2. This is EXACTLY how I organize my goals each month!! I love it!!

    1. That is so neat! I love it, such a helpful little system.


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